You can go to Family Court for a court order for child support from the other parent. Support, Adult Dependent (Developmentally Disabled).Dow Divorce Law is a family law firm for fathers in child support cases in Staten Island, Brooklyn, or the counties of Monmouth or Middlesex in New Jersey. The amount of child support that either parent may have to pay following a divorce is based on several factors, and one of those factors is alimony. If you're seeking alimony or believe you shouldn't have to pay it, your best bet is to speak with a Middlesex County, New Jersey family law attorney. You can also call the NYS Child Support Helpline at 888-208-4485 ( TTY : 866-875-9975) or email your local Child Support Office if you have any questions. The starting point for calculating child support in Middlesex County is determining the parents' income. The court will also consider any existing child support orders, alimony payments, and other financial obligations. Although one person may have the day-to-day duties, taking shared responsibility is a key element in the support and success of children. If you are married and are asking for spousal support or a change to your child support order, fill out the Family Case Information Statement.