Contact Court Administration in the county where your case is filed if you need to get a copy of your current child support order. To modify child custody, parenting time, child support, or spousal support, a motion is filed with the court.A child custody attorney can assist in filing a motion to modify child custody and help understand your parental rights. A change in either parent's income; A change in the child's needs; A change in the cost of living; A change in the child's living arrangements. Child Support ezDocs is an interactive, online tool parents can use to complete pro se forms to ask the court to change a child support order. Are you looking to modify your divorce agreement? Our Minneapolis post-divorce modification lawyers can help you file a motion. In Minnesota, parenting plans are always subject to modification. They can be modified through mutual agreement of the parents or through a court order. You may be able to make post-divorce modifications with the help of an attorney.