The Court has forms and instructions, for some types of cases, as a general guide to the court process. We will explore the various options for modifying your Minnesota divorce decree and provide tangible tips to help you navigate the process.If you agree on some of the issues, you can file a partial stipulated judgment and decree and litigate the issues upon which you can't agree. If you and your spouse reach an agreement regarding all issues, your spouse will fill out a Stipulated. The clinic uses an online form process through the Minnesota Courts and this process generally takes two or more hours. When this happens, you need to ask the court for a postdecree modification. To modify a part of a divorce decree, you must show that there has been a change of circumstances that renders the current judgment and decree unjust. Practicing Exclusively in Family Law - Est. Our complaint process. This version of the form allows you to save a partially filled-out form to finish later or for re-use.