The judge has considerable leeway in determining alimony because the state does not have a set formula. Need help calculating spousal support?Click here to read our comprehensive guide to alimony laws and procedures in Nevada. An order for the support of a child creates an obligation for the support of the child and follows the child to the person who has obtained lawful physical. Here are the 6 most-asked questions pertaining to what the court looks for as proof of your Nevada residency. To apply for Child Support services download, print, and complete the Child Support Application and mail, fax or walk into your local Child Support office. Can a US citizen file for divorce and file for child custody in the US if the spouse and daughter live in India for the last four years? Yes wife can seek maintenance for herself and for the minor child from Indian court even if they both are living in USA. Alimony and spousal support is attainable in the state of Nevada under the considerations of a judge or NRS statutes. It is probably not useful unless and until your wife tries to obtain money for spousal support or modification of custody issues in California.