Filing for a divorce can cause some complexities in your tax situation. The TCJA completely and permanently eliminates the federal tax deduction for alimony payors, for anyone who gets divorced after January 1, 2019.Per the Nevada alimony laws, there are four basic kinds of alimony or spousal support that might be awarded in a divorce case. In any divorce granted after January 1, 2019, the alimony payer will shoulder the tax burden. And the payee will no longer pay taxes on that income. Alimony may be tax-deductible, but only if you finalized your divorce or support agreement before January 1, 2019. Understand how divorce affects taxes in Nevada. Learn about filing statuses, deductions, and financial planning to navigate post-divorce tax challenges. The rules about alimony (money one spouse pays to the other after a divorce) have changed. The court allows spouses to agree to just about any issue in a divorce case.