Our firm can help you pursue a modification of your child support, child custody, or alimony agreements or court orders. Contact Us Now - Call (212) 706-2001 - Rudyuk Law Firm is dedicated to helping individuals and families in Divorce and Family Law cases.Divorce agreement modifications are common, but difficult to negotiate. Our New York City divorce attorney is here to help at (212) 349-1600. Free Consultation - Call 800.696. Brewster law firm helps clients with modification of spousal maintenance and child support. Have you and your spouse come to an agreement? They carried me every step of the way, walked me through the process and came out with the resolution that I needed. Contact Us Now - Call (212) 706-2001 - Rudyuk Law Firm is dedicated to helping individuals and families in Divorce and Family Law cases. Terminating child support or modifying child custody are common reasons why you might want to set aside time to talk to a lawyer.