Worksheets to calculate guideline amounts of maintenance and child support. Optional tools to help with calculations are below.This page will help you calculate the figures a New York judge would consider in determining how much should be paid in maintenance and child support. Basic Calculation: DETERMINE WHICH FORMULA APPLIES BY CHECKING THE BOXES BELOW: QUESTION A: Will child support be paid for childrenof the marriage? The formula uses the parties' incomes and salary, as well as whether or not child support is being paid to perform a calculation. NYS provides online spousal maintenance and child support tools found at "NY Courts Maintenance and Child Support Tools. " Some are simpler to use than others. New York Alimony or Maintenance Calculator that calculates alimony or maintenance payable based on a state formula. Specific factors are determined in calculating spousal support in New York including income of both parties and the duration of marriage. This Child Support Standards Chart can be used to determine an approximate annual child support obligation.