The question of whether you will need to pay alimony in addition to child support depends on your circumstances as presented to the court. Couples can choose to waive the right to alimony entirely in prenuptial and postnuptial agreements or during the divorce settlement process.Let us help you today! In most circumstances, an increase in spousal support after child support terminates must be filed within 6 months of termination. Go fill out the paperwork! You need to show your daughter and your ex that you will take care of business. You will be eligible for both spousal support and child support even if you ultimately have joint custody. To learn more about collecting past-due alimony payments, reach out to a Lawyer for affordable legal advice. If child support is an issue, spousal support is calculated after child support is calculated. Spousal support, sometimes referred to as alimony, is an issue that must be resolved in many divorce proceedings, particularly during high-asset divorce cases.