Either parent, or a legal guardian, can enroll in services whether or not a child support court order exists. There is a free online child support calculator that figures out how much support a parent needs to pay.This tells your former spouse three things. Family law cases may trigger two different kinds of support payments – child support and spousal support. In a divorce, both types of support are possible. Go fill out the paperwork! An indepth look at how child support is calculated in California, including the formula, factors, and legal nuances. Contact child support attorney Cameron Goulding for specific child support advice and representation for the circumstances surrounding your case today. ExpertPay enables Employers, Payroll Service Providers and Non-Custodial Parents to electronically submit child support payments in 50 states. While child support is calculated using a formula, spousal support (alimony) is decided on a case-by-case basis.