The Ohio Child Support Calculator will provide an estimate of the support obligations that may be included in a court or administrative child support order. Learn how Ohio judges decide whether to award spousal support, how much payments will be, how long they'll last, and when alimony can change or end.Use this table to get an idea of the basic amount of child support in Ohio for your income level. In Ohio, courts award alimony, or spousal support payments, to one spouse at the end of the divorce process. Either spouse may request alimony. Are you keeping the child on your insurance (you should be)?. Under the laws of Ohio, child support is calculated using the income shares model. This webinar will be an in-depth review of Family Law Software Ohio Child Support Guidelines. Besides alimony, the sheer volume of court forms surrounding legal filings in a divorce is astonishing. Also; do we have to fill out an affidavit of income if neither party is formally seeking child or spousal support?