Learn how Ohio judges decide whether to award spousal support, how much payments will be, how long they'll last, and when alimony can change or end. The Ohio Child Support Calculator will provide an estimate of the support obligations that may be included in a court or administrative child support order.Use this table to get an idea of the basic amount of child support in Ohio for your income level. If a noncustodial parent moves out of state, or already lives out of state, rest assured you can still get the child support your children need. The Child Support Program provides services that promote parental responsibility to meet the financial needs of children and their families. Attorney Francis King discusses two recent court decisions that show how ability to pay affects alimony awards in Tennessee. Alimony, or spousal support, is a courtordered provision of financial support to a spouse after a divorce. Custody and child support may also be decided as part of your divorce. Besides alimony, the sheer volume of court forms surrounding legal filings in a divorce is astonishing. Alimony operates very similarly to child support, in that they are regular payments designed to help care for an individual, post-divorce.