Learn how Ohio judges decide whether to award spousal support, how much payments will be, how long they'll last, and when alimony can change or end. The Ohio Child Support Calculator will provide an estimate of the support obligations that may be included in a court or administrative child support order.Alimony in Florida: Florida Alimony Law FAQs. What are Frequently Asked Questions for Alimony in FL? Your second and best option may be to contact an attorney in Florida to help you through the process of addressing the support order. Find out how child support is calculated in Ohio, when judges might deviate from Ohio's guidelines, and how those payments can be modified. Divorcing spouses can still make child support modifications for major income shifts such as a job loss or an increase in child care costs. This list contains current links to state divorce forms where available. Some states may have additional requirements or restrictions. If the your child is living in Ohio and there is a support case opened there then you will have to file a motion in Ohio in order to amend support.