The Ohio Child Support Calculator will provide an estimate of the support obligations that may be included in a court or administrative child support order. For guidance in using this calculator, please see the JFS 07766 Ohio Child Support Guideline Manual.States generally use one of three models to determine the base child support amount due. Explanations of each model and the states that use them follow. The size of your child support payment depends heavily on where you live. In any state, get an idea of how much child support you might pay or have to receive after your divorce. Basically, you and the other parent's income are added together, a ratio is formed, and then the cost to support the child(ren) is established. Most states provide calculators for determining child support payments and enforcement data. I am a caseworker in another state, how do I get information about a child support case I am working on? Ohio law does not provide a predetermined age, though many counties do in their local rules.