These forms allow parents, families, and employers to provide the Child Support Division with additional information so we can better serve you. Keep in mind, mailed applications take longer to process than online applications.Call (800) 252-8014 to receive a form in the mail. The Child Support Division of the Office of the Attorney General is on a mission to make sure every child receives the support they need and deserve. To calculate your net income for child support purposes and to calculate the child support percentage, Texas law provides a number of guidelines. In this article, learn about how spousal maintenance is ordered, the requirements to be eligible for spousal maintenance, and other important information. Orange County, Texas family law attorney, Jim Sharon Bearden, can help navigate child custody issues, divorce, and more. Packets of forms are available for sale to be used in filing a new case or modifying a case in either the Family or Civil courts. This article explains retirement benefits and how they can be divided in a divorce. If the income terminates before completing the EDG, budget actual income and expenses for the month the income terminates.