Demurrers must be set for hearing not more than 35 days following the filing of the demurrer or on the first date available to the court thereafter. Motion To Strike Without Demurrer--Extension of Time To Answer.A motion to strike without a demurrer extends the time to answer a complaint or cross-complaint. For example, a motion to preclude asks the court to ban the testimony or evidence from being used in the case. Defendant's demurrer to SAC and motion to strike portions of SAC are apparently based upon the first document that was sent to defense counsel and not the SAC. I am over the age of eighteen (18) years and not a party to the within action. A motion to strike can be used to attack legal conclusions in a pleading. (e) Motions to Strike. To strike basically says, "We move to strike everything. Starting with the 2017 I began counting separately any motion to strike that was not filed in conjunction with a demurrer.