Complete the on-line application for free child support services if you live in Illinois and the dependent child(ren) lives with you. How do you collect maintenance, child support and property settlements from an Illinois divorce from a Florida resident.In Illinois, there is no alimony. Instead, people receive a large sum of money every month that is, instead, called spousal maintenance. Download and complete Divorce, Child Support, and Maintenance forms from the Illinois Office of the Courts. Alimony in Florida: Florida Alimony Law FAQs. What are Frequently Asked Questions for Alimony in FL? Can I ask for exemption from court as our marriage is only 3 year old and she is not paying any child support? Attorneys at Hudson Family Law represent clients who are seeking child support or alimony in Palm Beach County, FL. Call to schedule an appointment. Alimony in Florida: Florida Alimony Law FAQs.