West Palm Beach Alimony Attorneys. Legal aid organization which provides free or low cost legal services to persons with low incomes.Attorneys at Hudson Family Law represent clients who are seeking child support or alimony in Palm Beach County, FL. Call to schedule an appointment. Give us a call or fill out a form to speak with an attorney. Our experienced alimony lawyer in West Palm Beach can help keep you from making a mistake that could cost you for years to come. You have only 30 days to respond, and your local agency can help you fill out the "Answer" form and file it with your county's Superior Court. How much of your paycheck goes to your wife and kids as alimony, spousal maintenance, or child support? Alimony is the unwieldy elephant in the room in contested divorce cases. Tampa, FL asked Apr 18, 2022 in Divorce for Florida. Sheikha Latifa escaped Dubai before being captured in the Indian Ocean.