Call us to connect with a home preservation specialist to review your options. There is no law that I am aware of that will cause Wells Fargo to remove your name as a comaker or cosignor on a mortgage note.Before a final divorce decree forced me to sell my home and catering facility, I applied for a loan modification. After all the paperwork is signed and notorized how long should it take to finalize a loan modification. Wells Fargo is involved in multiple regulatory remediation payouts currently, your mortgage loan seems to fit the timeline of those affected. Wells Fargo finally contacted Plaintiff on January 2, 2014, at which time Wells. You may need to send copies of canceled checks to show expenses you have paid, such as divorce settlement, child support, or other required expenses. What documentation do I need to bring if I need to make changes to an existing account? My ex-spouse and I had a loan with Wells Fargo. Wells fargo allow my ex to modify the loan with out a quit claim or my signature on the modifiction papers.