Pennsylvania law doesn't suggest an amount for or length of an alimony award. Instead, it's up to the judge to decide whether to award alimony.The child support application for services is available on this Web site. In order to be able to transfer the support case to Pennsylvania, at least one of the parties or the child must be living in Pennsylvania. Our seasoned family lawyers can consider all of the possibilities with you and help you to negotiate or win the best arrangement for you. Spouses pay alimony, or spousal support, only when one spouse can show a need for financial help. The Pennsylvania Child Support website allows you to submit requests for a variety of support services. You're always free to work out an agreement with your co-parent about child support. Besides alimony, the sheer volume of court forms surrounding legal filings in a divorce is astonishing. In Pennsylvania, a judge may find that one spouse will have to pay money to the other after a divorce, which is referred to as alimony.