(A) Motion to Set and Certificate of Readiness. Online legal forms are useful for frequent, basic, and necessary tasks.The removing party must file and identify the following separate attachments to the Notice of Removal: (1). To set a case for trial, a Motion to Set and. I. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION. Rule. 1. Pima County has self-help forms and packets that go into great detail on how to fill out the forms. You may make schedule changes through the "Register for classes" link in MyPima. The motion must point out the defects complained of and the details desired. A proposed form of Order in accordance with Rule 5(i), A.R.C.P., shall accompany all civil motions, oppositions and stipulations (except Motions for Summary. The allegations in a law suit filed and voluntarily dismissed years prior to the current events involved herein are immaterial to this litigation.