When one spouse dies, the recording of this affidavit will have the effect of transferring title to the property to the surviving spouse. This form is called Affidavit of Succession to Real Property and is filed with the Clerk's office.Print "Filing as surviving spouse" after the surviving spouse's signature. If someone else is the personal representative, they must also sign the return. The probate experts at JacksonWhite explain about the process of filing for probate and its court proceedings in Pima County, Arizona. Do you qualify for disability, survivor and spouse benefits? How do you get the most from your benefits? If the dead person was married, on the surviving spouse unless: (a) The dead person was legally separated from the person's spouse. Special Circumstances refer to situations where a student's or parent's financial information provided on the FAFSA has changed since the initial submission. Certification of Disability (DOR82514B); Spouse Death Certificate.