These forms allow parents, families, and employers to provide the Child Support Division with additional information so we can better serve you. This article is intended to alleviate some of the anxiety that can be created regarding the potential of paying spousal maintenance.The main difference is that alimony is paid to support the exspouse, while child support is paid to support the child. File for temp spousal support and child support, as well as possession and access to property. This list contains current links to state divorce forms where available. Some states may have additional requirements or restrictions. In this article, learn about how spousal maintenance is ordered, the requirements to be eligible for spousal maintenance, and other important information. The Law Department assists local and out-of-state custodial parents in establishing an order of support from non-custodial parents. A court will consider additional factors when determining the amount of child support that an obligor parent will be ordered to pay. Then the lowerearning spouse can go out and seek spousal support.