Child support and spousal support are handled in Family Court. Child support payments do not trigger tax consequences for either spouse.The formula for cases that involve child support is somewhat different from those without child support. Both parents' incomes are used to figure out how much child support the father has to pay because both parents have to support their children. The financial uncertainty is due to the division of assets, potential alimony or child support payments, and establishing separate households. Temporary spousal maintenance is calculated using a formula, considering percentages of both spouses' income, with child support adjustments. Generally, the lower-earning parent will be treated as the "custodial parent" and the higher-earning parent will end up paying child support. Most child support payments are made through income withholding. Temporary spousal maintenance is calculated using a formula, considering percentages of both spouses' income, with child support adjustments. The Ability of the Non-custodial Parent to Pay - The court will look at income from all sources when it decides on the amount of child support.