In New York, alimony is called "spousal support" (when the parties are still married) or "spousal maintenance" (when the parties are divorced). Two types of spousal maintenance are available in New York: temporary and postdivorce.Temporary maintenance is called spousal support. Permanent alimony is a financial provision awarded to a lesser-earning or financially dependent spouse after a divorce in Queens, New York. There are two types of alimony in New York. The first type is awarded during the divorce process and is known as temporary maintenance. Spousal support cases are started with a spousal support petition in Family Court. There is no filing fee in Family Court. New York uses a formula as a guideline for setting alimony payments, but courts can exercise considerable discretion in ordering alimony. There are four distinct types of alimony in New York: permanent, temporary, rehabilitative, and restitutive.