If you receive alimony payments, you must report it as income on your California return. Attach copies of your pay stubs for the last two months and proof of any other income.If you receive alimony, it is generally treated as taxable income, and if you pay alimony, it is generally counted as a tax deduction. This means that for California income tax purposes, alimony payments are still tax deductible for the payer and considered taxable income for the recipient. Official Website for Riverside County California Clerk Recorders Office. Introduction. The Senior Freeze (Property Tax Reimbursement) program reimburses senior citizens and disabled persons for property tax increases. Online payments and tax status, important dates, upcoming tax sales, news and office hours and locations. Internet: Access the RITA website 24 hours a day,. 318 Added fillin paragraphs for IRC 965 and Form 8936 Schedule A. (139) IRM 3.11. 3 Updated the following items as required annually: Dates.