California Family Code § 4055 presents the algebraic formula known as the Statewide Uniform Guideline for calculating child support. Both parents have the legal duty to provide financial support for their child whether they are married, divorced, or even live with their children.Hughes Law Group are local Sacramento divorce attorneys with over thirty years of experience in spousal support and alimony issues . The family court division of the Sacramento Superior Court offers a free child support calculation service through the Sacramento Law Library. Sacramento spousal support lawyer Jin Kim helps clients receive fair spousal support orders for an affordable hourly rate. The paying spouse can deduct payments from their taxable income. Can I get alimony and child support? Let's say the economically disadvantaged spouse was very recently working in a career and stepped down to take care of children. Family support is when the court orders both child and spousal support in a single amount. Bonuses and sales commissions ordinarily must be included in the calculation of a party's gross income.