For other case types you can use the Child Support Calculator or the fill-in-the-blank forms in the forms section below. XAPP Application for Child Support Services.Complete this form to provide ORS with the information needed to open a child support services case. You can calculate your possible child support payment amount two ways: online, using our Child Support Calculator, or on paper, using worksheets. You can try turning him in to IRS or hire private investigator to dig up income producing work he is doing and document it for court. Utah child support refers to the court-ordered financial responsibilities non-custodial parents are required to pay for their child's upkeep. Get answers to your child support questions. Since the child support is a court order, you have to fill in forms, and present them to a court of law for them to be reviewed. See how parenting time affects the total. Usually, each parent is responsible for one-half of the monthly insurance premiums associated with coverage for just the minor children.