The San Bernardino County Department of Child Support Services determines parentage, establishes and enforces child support orders, and secures payments. The Resource Center is available to provide information regarding court procedures and instructions on completing, filing and serving the necessary documents.Access child support case information, make or receive electronic payments, contact your child support worker and find your local child support center. Through the Petition for Custody and Support you are able to ask the judge to make orders regarding the issues of custody, visitation and child support only. The Ohio Child Support Calculator will provide an estimate of the support obligations that may be included in a court or administrative child support order. Either parent, or a legal guardian, can enroll in services whether or not a child support court order exists. Serving residents in both San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, we offer both full-service and limited role options. San Bernardino Spousal Support Attorneys. Learn How Alimony Works and How to Calculate Spousal Support in CA spousal support in San Bernardino. In most cases, alimony is paid in monthly installments.