The Child Support Program provides services that promote parental responsibility to meet the financial needs of children and their families. Child support will be determined based on potential earnings estimated based on the educational background and prior work experience of the parent in question.The only method for enforcement of the Order if your exhusband is not following the Order is to file a Petition for Contempt. Turn to a divorce lawyer in San Jose at Magdalena Law Group for assistance with child support matters. Call our office now! Ordering a Tennessee parent to pay child support begins with application of the Tennessee Child Support Guidelines. Tennessee law provides four (4) different types of alimony, and the distinctions between each type of alimony is complex and confusing. See how parenting time affects the total. Spousal support (also known as alimony in other states) may be an issue in a divorce, legal separation or termination of domestic partnership. Find out how child support is calculated in Tennessee, how the child support guidelines work, and how to change support payments.