The mission of the Santa Clara County Department of Child Support Services is to promote the well-being of children and the self-sufficiency of families. We can even help you work out an agreement for child support and avoid court.Note: This form also applies to some tax benefits, including the child tax credit, additional child tax credit, and credit for other dependents. In a dissolution action or a child support matter, both parents must file and serve on the other party completed income and expense declarations. Before calculating child support, certain information must be gathered, including each parent's gross income and net disposable income. If you are facing a child support case, don't hesitate. You are required to complete just a Form 8843. Learn about the work of the Child Support Guidelines Task Force, how to submit written comments, and information about the virtual public forums. DCSS has not received payments for the child support case in the past six months, excluding income tax intercepts. The income used is the net disposable income of each parent, which is income after taxes and necessary deductions have been withdrawn.