Make or receive a child support payment, apply for services, chat with a Caseworker over video, establish parentage, reduce my government-owed arrears. 5 For the tax year, have you paid an amount in child support equal to or more than the amount due for every order requiring you to make child support payments?You can get in-person help at your local IRS Taxpayer Assistance Center. Call for an appointment after you find a Taxpayer Assistance Center near you. Call (510) 794-2887 or fill out the short form below. We will usually respond within 1 business day but often do so the same day. In a dissolution action or a child support matter, both parents must file and serve on the other party completed income and expense declarations. This form requires you to list financial information. In order to most effectively serve you, please fill out the following form as completely as possible. Deputy Sheriff - Lateral.