A motion to strike a complaint or cross-complaint must be brought within thirty (30) days of service of summons. CCP § 412.20 (a)(3).This HowTo Guide addresses the steps for filing and serving motions in general civil cases in Santa Clara Superior Court. Forms: There are no fill-in-the-blanks Motion to Strike forms. You must create your own Motion to Strike on pleading paper. To the person receiving this motion: If you do not agree with the requests in this motion, file a statement (using form FL All Family 135, Declaration). A party may amend its pleading once without leave of the court at any time before the answer, demurrer, or motion to strike is filed. Have the Motion Served. You must also fill out, file and serve a Case Management Statement (Judicial Council form CM1 10) at least 15 calendar days before the CMC. You will have to formally prepare the Motion or oppose a Motion on pleading paper in accordance with the law and California Rules of Court.