At Donato Law, our Suffolk County divorce modification attorney can provide you with legal assistance during your divorce proceedings. Our Suffolk County modification proceeding lawyers at The Meyers Law Group, PC handle modification proceedings to readdress these issues.If you are going through a divorce on Long Island, call 877-385-2560 or contact us online to arrange your free consultation. Our firm is prepared to assist you the best way we can, so fill out the form below or call us at (631) 731-1042. Order On Petition For Modification Of Order Of Custody visitation. Most users should use Complaint for Modification (CJD 104). If you need to save a partially filled-out form, you may choose to use the alternative form:. How do I file my Separation Agreement? You can file a motion or petition in the court that issued the order of protection asking a Judge to change the terms of the order of protection.