These forms mean you have a court date. Either parent, or a legal guardian, can enroll in services whether or not a child support court order exists.Spousal support and child support are often ordered together in a divorce. All alimony in California is based on one spouse's need for support and the other spouse's ability to pay. Agreements must be fair and reasonable. The question of whether you will need to pay alimony in addition to child support depends on your circumstances as presented to the court. There are a few basic steps that you can take to help avoid paying alimony after divorce in California. Learn about the kinds of spousal support in California, how judges decide the amount and duration of alimony, and whether you can change the award later. Below, we explain retroactive spousal support and California's legal precedents for ordering it in a divorce or legal separation. The state's goal is for children to share in the standard of living of both parents.