Spousal maintenance is only available in Texas divorce cases. Our Hurst spousal support lawyers provide legal help to people seeking spousal maintenance (alimony) in Tarrant County.Contact us at 817-498-4105. This research guide provides resources and information for spousal maintenance, sometimes referred to as alimony in other states, as part of a divorce case. Call our family law attorney near you at (817) 497-8148 or complete our online contact form to get started with your case evaluation. Our spousal support attorneys help clients in Denton, Collin, and Tarrant County find the support they need after divorce. Call today for a consultation! In Texas, spousal support is not guaranteed. Whether you will receive it (or have to pay it) depends on many factors, including the lenghth of the marriage. Fill out the Proposed Support Decision and Information form if you or the other party are asking for temporary spousal support.