California and the federal government have different tax laws about spousal support (also known as alimony). This article discusses registering other states' custody and support orders in Texas so that Texas courts can change and enforce them.You can login to check the status of a Texas child support case using the Office of the Attorney General portal. This article is intended to alleviate some of the anxiety that can be created regarding the potential of paying spousal maintenance. The question of whether you will need to pay alimony in addition to child support depends on your circumstances as presented to the court. Once your divorce case is concluded in California, your spouse cannot directly affect the California spousal support order through a motion in Texas. Learn about the kinds of spousal support in California, how judges decide the amount and duration of alimony, and whether you can change the award later. Either parent, or a legal guardian, can enroll in services whether or not a child support court order exists. Monthly Child Support Calculator. This calculator provides an estimate for a single source of income.