Generic Civil Motion. You should file the motion in the same court where you filed your divorce petition.You may need to pay a filing fee when you submit the motion. A petition in a suit for dissolution of a marriage is sufficient without the necessity of specifying the underlying evidentiary facts. A motion to strike is a request to a judge that part of a party's pleading or a piece of evidence be removed from the record. A motion for enforcement as provided in this chapter may be filed to enforce any provision of a temporary or final order rendered in a suit. If a respondent specially excepts to the motion for enforcement or moves to strike, the court shall rule on the exception or the motion to strike. Use an RFO form FL300 and under other titled it "Motion to Strike Petition". Lawyer's Assistant: I understand that you have a family court hearing for a motion to strike in Texas. The court may strike from a pleading an insufficient defense or any redundant, immaterial, impertinent, or scandalous matter.