Alimony, sometimes referred to as spousal support, is the court-ordered money that one party pays to the other party for support while they are separated. You can login to check the status of a Texas child support case using the Office of the Attorney General portal.The IRS does not consider child support payments as taxable income. As such, the parent paying child support can't deduct it from their annual taxes. Learn how child support is calculated in Utah, how support awards can be modified or terminated, and other legal information about UT child support. The law requires that ORS use income withholding as the default way of paying child support. Parents are required to provide the court with proof that their current income matches the income used in the support calculator. Learn how alimony is calculated in Utah, what judges consider when deciding spousal support awards, and how to get alimony payments changed. In Utah, child support must be ordered in every divorce involving minor children. No, spousal support is not mandatory in Texas.