Learn how alimony is calculated in Utah, what judges consider when deciding spousal support awards, and how to get alimony payments changed. Alimony, sometimes referred to as spousal support, is the court-ordered money that one party pays to the other party for support while they are separated.Learn how child support is calculated in Utah, how support awards can be modified or terminated, and other legal information about UT child support. Child support is calculated using the gross monthly income of both parents and the number of overnights the child spends in each household. Collect and enforce current and past-due spousal support (alimony) on all IV-A and Non-IV-A cases if the criteria listed below are met. This list contains current links to state divorce forms where available. Some states may have additional requirements or restrictions. For guidance in using this calculator, please see the JFS 07766 Ohio Child Support Guideline Manual. Utah courts use approved tables to set how much child support payments should be. If my separation agreement includes child custody and child support, can it be included in the divorce decree?