Fill out a new Petition to Modify. Write "Amended" above "Petition to Modify" on the first page and check the "and Stipulation" box.In Utah, the person served documents has 21 days to answer the petition or motion to modify the divorce decree. If you want to modify some aspect of your Decree of Divorce or other Order, you will need to file a Petition. Contact us to lean your options. The former spouse who wants to modify the terms of the divorce must file a petition to modify the divorce with the judge. Have circumstances changed since your divorce, or was an initial court order unfair? Contact our divorce modifications lawyers in South Jordan for help. In Utah, in order to get your Divorce Decree modified you must show that there has been a significant change in circumstances that warrant the modification. In Utah, after submitting my petition to modify divorce decree, and after the court received the ANSWER TO COUNTER.