The motion must be in writing unless made during a hearing or trial, must state the relief requested, and must state the grounds for the relief requested. Here are some tips to help you when filling out this form: Type or clearly print the Memorandum Opposing the Motion.Use short sentences. The parties should endeavor to address all summary judgment issues in a single motion. (e) Motions to Strike. Conducts training for court clerks and lawyers regarding appellate court rules. Reviews motions filed in the court and recommends disposition to Judges. (6) Plaintiff must, within 30 days of its filing, respond to motion to dismiss or summary judgment motion. Proposed Utah subpoena and all required supporting records and forms. 14.04, Motion to Strike, Sever, or Try Separately ; 14.05, Third-Party Defendant's Claim against a Nonparty ; 14.06, When a Plaintiff May Bring in a Third Party.