Ordering a Tennessee parent to pay child support begins with application of the Tennessee Child Support Guidelines. Learn how child support is calculated in Virginia, when judges may depart from the guidelines, how to change or enforce child support orders, and more.If your ex is supposed to be paying the alimony to your state's child support agency, contact the agency for assistance with the UIFSA registration. The child support application for services is available on this Web site. Spouses pay alimony, or spousal support, only when one spouse can show a need for financial help. The size of your child support payment depends heavily on where you live. You can seek a child support order for any and all children who live with you, whether you are married or unmarried. This list contains current links to state divorce forms where available. Some states may have additional requirements or restrictions. Alimony — today more commonly called spousal support — is one of the most important components of a divorce.