If you have a court order in more than one county, please provide a copy of this form to each FOC office where you are seeking discharge of state-owed debt. If you owe a child support arrearage to the State of Michigan you may be eligible to have some or all of that arrearage discharged.If you qualify for the lump sum program, you will be required to complete a DHS-682 form and return it to the Friend of the Court. How do I request an Arrears Payment Plan? You must file a motion with the circuit court for a payment plan (the link provides the form and instructions). There is not a standard form for this, you will either need to draft it yourself or have an attorney draft one, along with the order. Go to Site Help to see whether you might be eligible for Virginia legal aid services. Indebted noncustodial parents can file an Application for the Arrears Cap. Calhoun County is partnering with the Michigan Office of Child Support and Michigan Works! Why did I get less money in a federal payment (for example, my tax refund) than I expected?