Nothing in Virginia state law says any divorcing spouse is entitled to spousal support. Alimony (spousal support) in Virginia is on an indefinite basis.Indefinite alimony can be raised or lowered over time if there is a change of circumstances. Each spouse's finances. As a Virginia alimony lawyer that serves only divorcing women, our alimony attorneys are experienced. Contact us today for a free consultation! If you are seeking spousal support in Virginia, contact Smith Strong, PLC today at 804-325-1245 to schedule a SmartStart Comprehensive Case Preparation Meeting. Spousal support in Virginia: A divorce attorney's perspective and overview on almost everything related to spousal support. In the temporary spousal support hearing, these guidelines will typically be applied for the purposes of determining of support. Virginia law does not specify a minimum number of years that you must be married to qualify for spousal support or alimony.