Existing financial resources – The financial resources available to both spouses will be considered. The court may increase, decrease, or terminate the amount or duration of any spousal support and maintenance that may thereafter accrue.If you are seeking spousal support in Virginia, contact Smith Strong, PLC today at 804-325-1245 to schedule a SmartStart Comprehensive Case Preparation Meeting. You could get up to half of your family member's benefit amount and may be eligible for Medicare based on their work history. There are a few key points to make that will help you understand these guidelines. The Virginia legislature made major changes in the laws governing the modification of spousal support obligations that went into effect on July 1, 2018. No. If your ex-spouse claims spousal benefits based on your work, this will not affect your Social Security monthly benefits. Our Raleigh Divorce Lawyers Can Help. Concerned about Social Security Benefits in a Divorce? Social Security provides benefits and financial protection for you.