A brief description of India's spousal and child support. Alimony paid to a working wife: When determining the alimony amount, it is considered if the wife is earning a sizable salary.Alimony calculator in India is an attempt to provide financial support on seperation to financially weaker spouse under Hindu Marriage Act 1955. You can claim permanent alimony based on future expenses for your children upbringing and also a property for security of children. You can get a certified (or registered) copy of your Indian decree and file it with the California court. This will make the terms enforceable in the US. Answer questions about children, income, parenting time, health care and other costs to estimate weekly support payments and download forms for use in court. You can claim permanent alimony based on future expenses for your children upbringing and also a property for security of children. If you are a married person and you want a divorce then, you need to know about Spousal Support. The custodial parent has the right to file a petition in the court seeking enforcement of the order.