The calculation of child support is a 5step process: 1. Identify all sources of income of the individual ordered to pay child support. 2.States generally use one of three models to determine the base child support amount due. Explanations of each model and the states that use them follow. The size of your child support payment depends heavily on where you live. These forms allow parents, families, and employers to provide the Child Support Division with additional information so we can better serve you. In any state, get an idea of how much child support you might pay or have to receive after your divorce. If you have an open case with the Division of Child Support, you can ask DCS to review your order for changes (called a modification). All states have adopted one of three different formulas, called models, to determine the appropriate amount of child support payments for each family. One way is for both parents to agree and ask a judge to approve a support order in a civil case such as a divorce or other family law proceedings.