This free program will help you fill out the papers that you will need to file in Family Court. If you need to obtain a modification of any of the orders contained in a divorce decree, Bergen County divorce lawyer Howard B. Leopold can assist you.To speak with one of our seasoned Passaic County NJ post-divorce modification attorneys, contact us today at 973-233-4396 for a free initial consultation. The forms listed below may be used for filing in the Wayne County Court of Common Pleas. What forms need to be filled out for a change of custody in wayne county, ohio. The divorce is completely finalized as. Georgia law does not allow you to modify the terms of an order in a contempt hearing. Many of these forms can be completed online and then printed out and filed with the Clerk of Courts for Wayne County. I want to file a motion to vacate divorce decree that was granted without my knowledge or a marital settlement agreement. Lawyer's Assistant chat img.