Forms indicated as fillable may be filled out electronically. How do you file for divorce if you're in the U.S. and your spouse is overseas?Laughlin Legal Family Law Group's Alameda County Family Law Attorney handles divorce, mediation and child custody matters in the Bay Area. The Legal Assistance office provides basic estate planning services, including drafting of wills and basic testamentary trusts and giving SGLI advice. You must be living separately for at least six months before filing for divorce. You may still live under the same roof, but not live and behave as a couple. If you are the petitioner and initiating the divorce process, you must complete the Petition to Divorce (Family Law Form FL100). Summary: The information in this handbook covers processes that were previously detailed in the General Assistance. For those individuals living in the US, the income would be reported on 1040 Form and fully taxable. Alameda and Contra Costa counties have adopted the "Alameda Guideline" formula.