Minnesota does not rule out payment of alimony when couples get a summary dissolution. They might also have self help attorneys who can help you fill out the forms if you're confused.Alimony is an issue of concern in many divorces due to the financial burden of a single income household. Learn how to apply for child support services and find procedures for establishing parentage and custody, as well as payment and enforcement. If you file a Joint Dissolution and have no minor children, the court administrator will place the matter on the default calendar for approval without hearing. However, judges are unable to provide legal advice to unrepresented parties and the court will expect unrepresented parties to follow the law and court rules. You may consider filing for a divorce without a lawyer. However, the decision to proceed without legal representation should be carefully considered. The Hennepin County Family Court SelfHelp Center offers help on divorce, custody, child support, and other family law cases. How to Start a Divorce in Minnesota.